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Optique Technologies produce 360° Virtual tours, Apps to compliment your Virtual Tour, 360° Video and Virtual Tour servers to securely drive your virtual experience.  Click on the links below to discover more about our services and their features.

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For eCommerce, venues, businesses and events.

Add to your Virtual Tour with a custom webpage

Securely drive your virtual tours with a personalised server

Bring your experience to life with an engaging try before you buy virtual experience

Top Services
Virtual Tours

Virtual Tours

We offer three Virtual Tour formats:

  1. Map tours.  360° panoramas orriented on a map or series of maps​

  2. Floorplan tours.  360° panoramas on a floorplan of a site.

  3. Thumbnail tours.  A series of 360° panoramas set up as a gallery​​

Virtual tours can be created using any or all of our products (photos, panoramas, interactive panoramas, 360°  video or custom floor plans).  They are completely customisable to your needs with key features such as:
  • Header and footer information

  • Company logos

  • Links to websites, web pages, online stores

  • Maps – Google maps or static map tours

  • Floorplans.  Customised floor plans for simple navigation of your building or grounds

  • Customised descriptions with title overlays

  • Custom Icons (or choose from our range of standard Icons)

  • Share your tour on social media with built in links to:-

Facebook – Twitter - Google+ - Linked in – Digg – Tumblr – Stumbleupon – Reddit – Delicious – Vkontake - Email

  • Fully customisable colour schemes, borders, backgrounds, foregrounds.


Tours can be any size - from a house to a global expedition.  The only limitation is your imagination.

A Virtual Tour of the Great Ocean Road
Virtual Tour apps

Virtual Tour Apps.

Before...Virtual tour without app.

Hi Voltage Go Karts

After...Virtual tour with VR app.

Hi Voltage Go Karts
Virtual tour Apps. can be customised to incorporate any aspect of your businesses online presence.  
  • Fully responsive web design characteristics

  • Header and footer information

  • Company logos

  • Links to websites, web pages, online stores

  • Social media links to any platform your business uses

  • Fully customisable colour schemes, borders, backgrounds, foregrounds.

  • Back ground sound or music


Virtual Tour apps are designed to bring all aspects of your business together into one easily navigated information hub that compliments your website.  

360 degree Video
360° Video: 
Now let’s get things moving!  360° video captures the whole scene in HD.   Pan around, zoom in and out, you’re in control of the camera.  Great for action sports, weddings or public events where you want to capture the entire scene and give customers a real feel for your experience .


Examples, applications and pricing coming soon.  

Server setup
Virtual Tour Server Setup
Corio Bay Geelong

Optique Technologies can set up a custom Virtual Tour server, optimised to share your photos, panoramas, interactive panoramas and virtual tours.  A customised server gives you a higher degree of security and puts you in control of how your images are viewed and by whom.  A one-off setup fee applies with minimal ongoing monthly fees (Fees are paid directly to the server provider, we don’t take a commission) 

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